I am a 23-year-old pro-social, antisocial queer person from Canada who makes things sometimes.
I am fascinated by the natural world, people, and art. I do not watch many TV shows or movies, but I do enjoy nightwalks, outsider art, and collecting and listening to alternative music of all kinds - especially genres that make me feel like a powerful hipster. I am skilled at gathering useless knowledge on random conspiracy theories and pseudosciences, learning eclectic, outdated technology I can use to fuel my hobbies, and I draw sometimes.
I was routinely ill for much of my childhood, so much of my time was spent doodling and writing weird comics to keep me busy. This website is a slightly more grown-up extension of that disorganized creative need, just in a slightly more visible space to share myself a little more vulnerably than I’m used to.
Any material uploaded on this site that is explicitly and entirely my own work is licensed as CC0 1.0 Universal. You may use any of the links below to contact me. Thank you for visiting :)
,c. .c; ███████@mbpro2011 .KMMMk.... ....kMMMK. ----------------- .WMMMMMX..... .....KMMMMMW. OS: Fedora Linux 41 (KDE Plasma) x86_64 XMMMMMMM0..... ....OMMMMMMMN Host: MacBookPro8,1 (1.0) dMMMMMMMMM;.... ..... ....,MMMMMMMMMd Kernel: Linux 6.11.11-300.fc41.x86_64 WMMMMMMMMMl;okKKKKKKKKKOo;cMMMMMMMMMM Uptime: 1 day, 13 mins 'MMMMMMMNXK0KKKKKKKKKKKKKKK0KXNMMMMMMM; Packages: 2237 (rpm), 58 (flatpak) oMMMMMMMOxoKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKoxOMMMMMMMd Shell: zsh 5.9 dMMMMMMMdxxxKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKxxxdNMMMMMMk Display (Color LCD): 1280x800 @ 61 Hz in 13" [Built-in] :MMMMX0xxxxxx0KKKKKKKK0KK0xxxxxx0XMMMMc DE: KDE Plasma 6.2.4 MMMOxxxxxxxxdxkdd0x0ddkxdxxxxxxxxOMMM WM: KWin (Wayland) ;xxkxddxxxxdodxxxxdxdxxxxdodxxxxddxkxx; WM Theme: Breeze dxdKMMMWXo'.....'cdxxxdc'.....'lXWMMMXdxd Theme: Breeze (Light) [Qt], Breeze [GTK3] cxdXMMMN,..........dxd'.........'XMMMNdxl Icons: Breeze [Qt], breeze [GTK3/4] .xxWMMl...''....'.;k:.'....''...lMMWxx. Font: Noto Sans (10pt) [Qt], Noto Sans (10pt) [GTK3/4] ..:kXMMx..'....''..kMk..''....'..xMMXkc.. Cursor: breeze (24px) dMMMMMMd.....'...xMMMx...''....dMMMMMMx Terminal: /dev/tty3 kMMMMWOoc:coOkolllokOoc:coOWMMMMO Terminal Font: eurlatgr .MMMMMMMMl...lNMMMMMMM. CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2415M (4) @ 2.90 GHz KMMMMMMXlKMMMMMMX GPU: Intel 2nd Generation Core Processor Family Integrated Graphics Controller @ 1.30 GHz [Integrated] .MMMMMMMMM. Memory: 4.41 GiB / 15.53 GiB (28%) Swap: 268.00 KiB / 8.00 GiB (0%) Disk (/): 46.98 GiB / 475.34 GiB (10%) - btrfs Disk (/run/media/███████/MEMORIES): 6.71 GiB / 6.71 GiB (100%) - udf [Read-only] Local IP (tun0): Battery (bq20z451): 65% (2 hours, 59 mins remaining) [Discharging] Locale: en_CA.UTF-8